Genre Research (Comedy)

The first genre that our group chose is comedy. Here are the common camera angles, mis-en-scene, sounds, editing. As well as some example films.

Common Angles: There are many different angles that are widely used in the comedy genre. To start, commonly extreme close ups as well as close up shots are used. These shots are usually shown to help the audience understand or grasp on the humor portrayed by facial expressions, and reactions from the subjects on the film. Furthermore, other angles are widely seen in comedy, like wide shots. Wide shots are used mainly to fit a large gathering into one shot, and by doing this it opens the door to group comedy, and other characters to fit into the scene or story play. Finally, the last common camera angle that we see a lot in this genre is eyeline shots. An eyeline shot in comedy is the subjects way to often tell the audience directly, the joke or line being said. These are some common angles that are used in comedy!

Common Mis-En-Scene: In our research of the comedy genre, we also saw many instances of props, costumes, lighting, makeup, and setting variety but there were common attributes of mis-en-scene to note. To start, in a wide majority of comedy films, the costumes that the subject or actors wear are surprisingly regular, everyday mid-2000's or even modern casual clothing. The use of these costumes give the audience a more realistic look on the film, it further connects the audiences sense of humor by relating to the costumes that are worn. the lighting used commonly is to portray general, natural lighting which is commonly what we saw in the genre. Also, the acting in this genre consist of many punchlines, as the actors also usually portray an average, typically male being with a middle-class life. Finally props that are commonly used in the comedy genre mainly are everyday items, and steer from more unrealistic, or futuristic gadgets or machines. Beer bottles, baseball hats, are some of the props that are common in the comedic genre.

Common editing: In film, many might think in comedy that the laugh track is common, but as we continued our research in this genre we found this wasn't the case. In fact, in movie fil usually when a comedic phrase or act takes place, all the extra sound, or back round sound gets silent which this edit highlights and gives focus to what they want the audience to see. Also  commonly in comedy we see less visual or special effects than say action, we commonly saw less effects, but more simple clean cuts in between shots. Finally, as we researched the different editing tactics that are used in the comedy film genre, our group saw a common pattern of cross cutting, usually once or twice that shows the audience the comparative situations of two different subjects. But overall, these are some of the common ways that the comedy genre edits their films.

Common sound: In our research, we found a plethora of common tactics that are used in comedy regarding sound. Many natural back round noises, such as crowds, office noises and others are used to give the film and audience a real life experience. Also usually in the beginning credits or end credits of the film, as well as opening scene, a score that usually gives the appearance of a goofy, funnier vibe is used as the film introduces the subjects. Finally, in comedy we found many instances of films that didn't use louder sounds, like crashes or explosions. These are some common similarities we found as far as sound in the comedy genre. 

 Example Films of Comedy: There are many examples of films that are for comedy. Some examples include: Airplane!, Ghost Busters, School of Rock, The Lego Batman Movie, and Super Bad. 

What Elements of Comedy do I like, and what would I choose?

There are many elements of comedy that I like. I like that it creates humor directed at a specific audience so that the movie is funny. I also like that comedies make real jokes that sometimes can be "bitter".  And the last element I like is exaggeration jokes which makes it more funny.

What elements of comedy do not appeal to me, and what would I stay away from?

I like most elements of comedy, but there is one element that I don't really like. One element that can be too much at times is surprise. This element works sometimes since the audience does not see that coming which makes them think it is funny. But, other times it can be negative since some people do not want to be surprised that a certain joke is coming.


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