Planning (Storyboard)

Here is our storyboard, and everything that will be included in our film!!

Sheet 1: To start off our film, Nick opens the door to a question, this question will make the audience wonder what he exactly is looking for, in which he is looking for a mysterious item. Something that connects the characters involved in a mysterious way. To capture this we will use many angles, like eye line shots, and even some wide angle shots. 

Next, nick, and the victim will walk towards the basketball hoop, thinking that the mysterious item they are looking for is near there. This scene will require a long shot.

As that scene concludes, the next will also primarily take place at the basketball hoop, as nick and the victim begin to question themselves on where exactly the eerie item is. Long shots will continue to be used, but also an over the shoulder shot, and eye level shots.

Nick and the victim begin to become concerned, as they believe they are being scammed, so they call the one again "mysterious people" to find out what exactly is going on, this is when the victim notices something alarming. When the victim notices this, an extreme close up will be used, as well as a zoom in.

Sheet 2:

In this scene, the door opens to the kidnapper, who has secretly been spying on nick and the victim the entire time, we show this character through an over the shoulder shot, that is revealed as nick and the victim find the alarming item (fake blood and fake knife) near the basketball hoop.

As this happens, a tracking shot will show the kidnapper running, and sneaking up on nick and the victim, making their move. 

In the next scene, suspenseful music plays as the kidnapper strangles and swiped both nick and the victim. Eye level shots, as well as tracking shots will be used in this scene.

Next, a white noise sound will be used to show distortion and makes the audience question where, and what happened to nick and the victim.

The next scene, and final scene of this sheet, will show the victim, and nick walking up, tied with rope and duct tape in an unknown area, waiting for what is going to happen next.

Sheet 3:

As the victim and nick gain consciousness, the audience learns that the victim has a history with the kidnapper, and this crime isn't a random one. A wide shot, as well as close ups, and over the shoulder shots will be used here.

In scene 6, the kidnapper re-visits the scene, and is pacing in front of nick and the victim, the kidnapper verifies what the victim was saying about their history, we learn of the hatred between them and jealousy of the kidnapper. However, curiosity is still in the air on what exactly they have a history of, this is purposeful, as it will be revealed after the title sequence.  Eye level, and wide angle shots as well as a tracking shot will be used in this scene.

In scene 7, a rising action occurs.. tracking shots will be used to show the victim, kicking with his taped up legs, the kidnapper on the floor.  He them breaks loose from his restraints and runs off.

In sheet 4: 

As the victim runs, and flees the scene, there will be an eyelevel shot focusing on nick, freaking out as he tries to hold a grasp on everything that is happening. As the victim, who we start to learn is not a victim anymore, leaves, he yells run, they're coming.

In the next scene, the kidnapper is still hurt, lying on the floor as nick yells for help

After a few minutes, the kidnapper finally gets up, he says "you're coming with me" and takes nick with him as the scene ends.

In scene 9, Nick and the kidnapper are approaching a vehicle to get in, nick refuses at first demanding an explanation for everything that is going on. A tracking shot will show them walking to the vehicle, as well as eye level shots and over the shoulder shots showing the interaction.

The kidnapper promises to give an explanation and actually gains nicks trust. Switching the victim as the antagonist.

This is when an over the shoulder shot will show the kidnapper telling nick everything bad about the victim, shocking nick

This ends scene 9.

Finally, on sheet 5, They finally arrive to their location, a strange looking area, that will continue to show tracking shots as they walk into the area. Furthermore, wide shots and an establishing shot will provide support to where they are at the time.

in scene 10, the kidnapper sets nick down and tells him everything about the victim, who is now the enemy.

This is when an edit to a flashback feature will show, and in scene 11, eye lever, and over the shoulder shots will reveal that the victim and the kidnapper were once partners, and friends.

In scene 12, the title sequence will show.

Keep in mind that all of our credits, including our actors, behind the scene members, producers, and sponsors will be showing throughout the title sequence!


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