Title Design Research: (Thriller:)

 Me and my group are researching many opening sequences from thriller films. Me and group need to research these because it will help us reach our full potential for our title in our thriller film. One of the thriller films we are researching is, Final Destination 3.

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence of Final Destination 3? Which ones?

There are ten titles displayed during the opening sequence. The first title was the name of the studio which was "New Line Cinema", which is a TimeWarner Company. The second title was the name of the production company which is New Line Cinema. The third title was the producer which was "A Hard Eight Pictures." The fourth title was the movie name which is ''Final Destination 3." The fifth title was the actors and to name a few: Kris Lemche, Jesse Moss, and Texas Battle. The sixth title was the music which was by Shirley Walker. The seventh title was editing which was by Chris Willingham. The 8th title was the produced by which was Craig Perry, and Warren Zide. The ninth title was written by which is Glen Morgan and James Wong. The tenth title was directed by which was James Wong.

2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel)

The images carry a very specific connotation. The images are very thrilling and creepy which creates a spooky scene. They make me feel the suspense as if something will happen, which makes me want to watch the movie. This is the connotation that I want to create for my film.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)

The genre is greatly reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset. And it is very obvious for to tell what genre Final Destination 3 is. One of the symbols was a pin ball going down a whole that said "death." This symbol gives the audience a feel of suspense and makes them want to see what happens the movie and gets them engaged. This really helps give the idea that the film will be a thriller.

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

There are many conventions used to ensure the film appeal to its target audience which is people who like thriller films. The first convention is the sound track. The sound makes the film seem very thrilling. Another convention is the camera angles. The camera angle is usually high in the opening sequence. The last convention is the props used. The props are a little creepy which builds suspense and helps the audience know the film is thriller.


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